Swim-IT SC

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Improving Swimming through Intelligent Training

Swim-IT Swimming Club has been serving the West Lothian community since July 2013 as a swim school
and established themselves as a competitive swimming club in 2014 to challenge the status quo within West Lothian swimming.

Please feel free to browse our site to learn a little bit more about what we do and what we are all about.
Swim-IT not only teach or coach individuals how to swim but we also believe the swimmer should have fun learning and we work on building a team ethos, improving exercise regimes and increasing stamina.

We also concentrate on areas that some individuals may struggle with including: socialisation, communication, turn taking, discipline, handling or dealing with adversity and general life-skills.

All of these skills are essential for everyone’s daily living and our coaches truly understand this.

We respect the rights of parents and strongly believe that the parents are as much an asset to our club as the swimmers are.

We work with parents and will actively seek out time to discuss the progress of their swimmers by setting up regular parent-coach meetings.

We also welcome feedback and use this to help us improve what we do.

We believe that whilst winning is very important we also understand that sometimes winning does not necessarily mean coming first.

To us it means showing that you gave your best effort, hopefully you achieved a personal best and that you feel positive and upbeat about the result and that it has motivated you to try even harder in training to make further improvements.
Affiliations, Associations and Accreditations

In order for Swim-IT to participate in various galas, obtain necessary insurances and also to use training facilities
we are obliged to maintain certain affiliations and accreditations. We also choose to associate with other key organisations.
The Scottish Amateur Swimming Association is the governing body in Scotland.

SASA East District
Not only do we affiliate with SASA directly but SASA also have 4 districts and we affiliate with the East District.

SwiMark Plus
SASA have an accreditation framework that enables and encourages clubs to put suitable structures in place to ensure that they are running their club correctly, financially responsibly and have swimmers wellfare at heart. This is a 2 tier programme (SwiMark and SwiMark Plus) that allows existing and prospective members to be assured that the club subscribes to all key governing principles. Achieving the SwiMark Plus accredition is an honour that not many clubs achieve and we work hard to maintain this position.

Active West Lothian
Swim-IT have affiliated with Active West Lothian in order to not only make use of various West Lothian swimming pools and other facilities but to ensure that we comply with all requirements of the council and West Lothian Leisure and consequently receive preferential rates of hire. It is also a means of holding clubs accountable for maintaining suitable levels of safety and first aid training. It further gives the club access to primary schools to help with encouraging more children to get involved with swimming.

Scottish Disability Sport
Swim-IT work very closely with SDS and have a number of swimmers within their programme. Our Head Coach also assists with disability coaching at a regional level.
What We Do

We have numerous lessons programmes and cater for mainstream competitive and non-competitive swimming, disability swimming and masters
Lessons Programmes

> Moms & Tots
> Our Learn to Swim programme
> Cluster Clubs
> Taster Sessions
> Adult lessons too

> 4 main squads
> Sub framework within quads for National potential
> Land training/gym with qualified Personal Trainer
> Yoga sessions included

> Masters group
> All disabilities catered for
> Open Water swimming
> Swimming for tri-athletes
> Injury Prevention KCR treatment
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